INEXTIA helps you manage maintenance, regardless of industry. Whether you need a system for maintenance in a manufacturing company, utility company, building maintenance, or something else, INEXTIA can assist you.
The core idea behind INEXTIA is that it should be easy to use and provide a clear overview of maintenance tasks and history.
This short guide will show you the basics of INEXTIA. Once you’ve gone through the guide, you’ll know how to structure your data, create maintenance tasks, and provide feedback on completed maintenance.
Data structure
A good system requires good data. Therefore, the fundamental screen of INEXTIA is the Tree Structure.
From this screen, your data is built while maintaining the overview.
The fundamental object in INEXTIA is a Component. Every component is a digital representation of a machine, a pump, or other technical objects that requires maintenance.
To create a maintenance task, the component, which the maintenance should be performed on, must be created first.
Components are also used to build the structure. This means, that it is not just the equipment or machine part, that can be created as a component. Component are also used to create groupings, which could be the factory, production line, location and the like.
For that reason, the first data that will be created is a component.
- The tree structures is opened from the menu on the left side.
- Since there at this point is no data in the system, no data is shown on the screenshot.
- The data fields belonging to the new component is now shown on the right. Type in the component number and name.
- When the fields are filled out, the data will be saved by clicking on the “CREATE” button.
The next component can now be added as a sub component to the first component by clicking on the "NEW SUB COMPONENT" button.
The data fields on the right will now reset and the fields where new data can be typed will be marked with yellow.
- Note that the fields showing the parent component info are pre-filled.
- Component number and name for the sub component is to be filled out.
- The data will be saved by clicking the “CREATE” button.
Levels in the structure are created this way. When creating levels and components for the machine parts and equipment, this is done in the exact same way.
3 (disregard the language component) levels are built in the example above.
Maintenance Tasks
Maintenance tasks are created as jobs in INEXTIA
The job is linked to the component. This means that the component shows which machine part the task concerns, while the job describes what to do.
The job is also created through the tree structure.
- Click on the component.
- Create a job by clicking on the “NEW JOB” button.
Job details will now show.
- The fields that shows which component the job belongs to are filled out automatically.
- Place the job name in the Job Name field according to the maintenance task.
- Write further information about the job in Job Text
- Choose when the job shall be released by using Triggers
Create calendar trigger
- If the job is created as planned maintenance, choose “Repeat job”
- Type in the trigger details
- Close the Calendar Trigger by clicking on “Create”
- Save the job by clicking “Create” on the previous screenshot
Overview of maintenance to be performed
The three structure provides an overview of how the data is structured.
The job list is used when you need an overview of your own, or your team’s maintenance tasks in the daily planning.
The job lists display jobs to be carried out, or jobs that are activated.
Usually, the search filter is placed in the job list to only show jobs that need to be done in the foreseeable future (for example, 14 days). When there are many jobs in the system, a search filter is usually added so that you only see the jobs that belongs to the maintenance team you are part of.
INEXTIA remembers the search filter on the job list, so that the user does not have to set it every time.
Read more about job list search filter set up here.
The purpose of the job list is to provide a quick overview of your maintenance tasks in the foreseeable future.
Job History
You can mark a maintenance task as activated in the job list and give feedback and finalized the job when it is done.
The feedback on a job is called the job history in INEXTIA.
The standard procedure is the following:
- Choose the job in the job list.
- Click on the “ACTIVATE” button.
By clicking the “ACTIVATE” button, other users will know that you started the job.
- When the maintenance job is done, it can be completed by clicking the “FINALIZE” button.
The job history screen will open when clicking the “FINALIZE” button.
- Report the date when the job was done.
- Write a completion remark.
- The data will be saved by clicking the “FINALIZE” button.
The next date for maintenance on the job will now be generated.
Ready to use
The basic features described in this guide will get you ready to use INEXTIA.
After the most necessary data has been structured and the first jobs created, INEXTIA will be an effective maintenance management tool.
As the jobs are done and history is created, a good starting point is formed for knowledge sharing and the opportunity to gain an overview of resources and costs.
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