Triggers are added to jobs to calculate when the job is due.
A job without a trigger is considered a template since this kind of job cannot be shown in the job list and therefore not be finalized (and thereby create a job history).
There are two types of triggers: Calendar trigger and counter trigger.
The calendar trigger has two functions: Run once and repeat job.
A job with a counter trigger or a repeating calendar trigger is considered planned maintenance.
Run once trigger
The trigger should just contain a date if the job it belongs to is only to be completed once and not repeated afterwards. The trigger date will then be the deadline for when the job should be finalized at the latest.
(This type of trigger is frequently used for reporting faults)
The job trigger is chosen when creating a job or when editing an existing job.
- Choose a trigger by clicking on the plus button
- Choose “Calender Trigger”
A new screen will now show where the date (deadline) for the job should be chosen.
Today’s date is set as a standard. If the job is to be done at another date, edit the date in the date field. When the date is set, click on the “CREATE” button.
If the calendar trigger is created on a new job, click on the “CREATE” button to save the job. If the calendar trigger is created while editing an existing job, click on the “SAVE” button.
Calendar trigger
The calendar trigger can be chosen if you would like a job to return. In this case, tick the “Repeat job” box.
When ticking the box, the Calendar Trigger will change and offer the following choices:
- The date is still placed in the top as “Start date”. In this case, the date shows when the job should appear the first time.
- The frequency of the job can be in days, weeks, months, or years.
- Choose if the trigger should be Floating, Fixed or a mix of Floating and Fixed.
- A Floating trigger means that the job’s next date is calculated due to when the job was last finalized.
If the trigger is set to repeat once a month, and the job is finalized on 25th of May 2020, even though the start date is 29th of May 2020, the job’s next date will now be generated as 25th of June 2020. - A Fixed trigger is slightly different. Here, the trigger is added to the date the job should have been completed, regardless of when it was performed.
If the trigger is once a month and the start date is 29th of May 2020, but the job is finalized on the 30th of May 2020, the jobs next day will still be 29th of June 2020.
- A Floating trigger means that the job’s next date is calculated due to when the job was last finalized.
- Set the trigger value.
In the above exampel, the trigger is every 3 days.
If the example from point 3 should be followed, type “1” in this field and change the previous field to “Monthly”. - It is possible to set a date where the trigger should stop repeating in the last field “End date”.
An example could be if the component that the trigger belongs to is leased equipment, where the job should not repeat after the lease is up.
There is no end date by default.
When choosing a fixed trigger, multiple fields will show depending on if weeks, months or years are chosen.
For example, you can specify that the job should be done every other Tuesday, or the 1st Monday of the month.
Click on “CREATE” when the fields has been filled in, then click on “SAVE”/”CREATE”.
Counter Trigger
To add a Counter Trigger to a job, the job’s component must be attached to a counter.
Please note that the component must have at least two counter readings before a counter trend can be calculated and based on that, calculate the job’s next date.
(The job's next date is calculated based on how many days it takes, according to the trend, to reach the next counter value).
Every time the counter is updated with a new counter reading the component is updated as well. The trigger will then recalculate to evaluate if the job’s next date is to be changed.
The following screen will show when choosing a counter trigger:
Fields placed to the left are to be filled out when creating the counter trigger.
The information placed on the right shows the latest reading date and the trend (average per day).
The unit that stands after the numbers is defined by the counter type selected on the counter.
For example, if the job is to change oil on a car, the car is the component and therefor the counter related to the component would be the car’s odometer.
If the oil change is to be carried out at every 15.000 km, type 15.000 in the first field.
The field below states when the job should appear the first time. In this example, the first oil change is to be carried out at 20.000 km and then every time after 15.000 km.
The last field is the end date. This has the same purpose as in the calendar trigger.
Click on the “CREATE” button when the fields have been filled out. Save the job by clicking the “SAVE”/”CREATE” button.
Combine triggers
It is possible to combine multiple triggers on a job.
For example, if the job is to change oil on a car, a counter trigger can be set to every 15.000 km. Furthermore, a calendar trigger can be added to trigger the job once a year.
The trigger that appears first will set the next date for the job.
The job can also be combined with run once triggers.
In this case, the job will appear again on the date set on the run once trigger.
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