Version control is enabled on all documents in INEXTIA. This means that as soon as the file is uploaded, any future changes to the file will be registered.
All documents created in INEXTIA can be searched for and found on the document screen, no matter if the documents are created through a component, a job, job history or an item.
Additional metadata can also be added to the document on the screen, as well as showing a preview for the document, if the document file type supports INEXTIA’s preview function.
New versions of a document are created on this screen as well.
When wanting to edit a file and thereby creating a new version of the document, click on the “CHECK-OUT” button. This will register that a user is currently editing the document. A dialog will be shown after clicking on “CHECK-OUT”, also making it possible to download the file.
Other users will be able to see that the document has been checked out as the “CHECK-OUT” button will be unavailable. This tells that the document is currently being edited. It will show who is editing the document and when the editing started in the fields under Version Control.
Be aware of where the file is stored when downloading and opening it. This information can be useful when reuploading the file to INEXTIA.
As an example, if the file that has to be edited is in Word format, we recommend choosing “Save as” when saving your changes to the document in Word, so you can decide where to save the file.
If you are using a PC and do not chose where to save the file, it will most likely be saved under “Downloads”.
Upload a new version of a file
Click on the “CHECK-IN” button when uploading the edited file to INEXTIA. This opens a dialog where you can upload the file.
The document is now updated to the newest version.
The “CHECK-OUT” button is now active again and the version is increased.
Show previous versions of a document
INEXTIA registers all changes to an object in a change log. This also applies to documents. By opening the change log to a document, it is possible to view which changes has been added to the metadata and to view previous versions of the file.
To open the change log, click on the “…-menu”, then click on “CHANGE-LOG”.
The top of the screen will now show all changes made to the document.
The top row shows what the document looks like today.
Every row below shows how the data has changed through time.
Click on the link in “File name” to open a previous version of the file.
Close the change log by clicking on the “OK” button.
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