The counter type is used to define the unit that the counter is operating with. Examples of counter types can be hours, kilometers, operations and the like.
A counter type must be selected when creating a counter.
When creating a counter type, name and number is filled out like on components and other objects. Besides that, “Counter Unit” must be filled out, which is what will be showed after a counter value in the system.
“Trend days” are also to be filled out. The value is used in INEXTIA to calculate a trend for the counter (average rise per day).
"Trend days" determines how far back in time INEXTIA needs to retrieve counter readings to calculate a trend.
It is possible to set a maximum on the counter type which determines how much the counter is allowed to increase per day.
Using a maximum can for example be relevant if the counter type is hours. By setting “Max change per day” to 24, mistakes can be avoided when for example trying to report 100 hours running time for one day.
Another way to avoid typing errors is by using the “Percentage acceptable deviation” field. This field is related to the trend.
If a new reading is reported where the average per day is larger than the trend and the accepted percentage deviation, INEXTIA will then give the user a warning.
As an example, a counter is running for 10 hours per day on average and the value has reached 9.990 hours. The accepted percentage deviation is 50%. When making a typing error, e.g. writing 100.000 hours instead of 10.000 hours, INEXTIA will show a warning so the reading will not be saved and potentially effect several jobs.
In this case, the warning will show as soon as typing a value above 10.005 hours (10 + (10 x 50%) = 15).
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