Counter is the object in INEXTIA that one uses to register readings which can be used to calculate the next time a job is to be performed.
Each counter uses a counter type to indicate the unit the counter is operating with. Read more about counter types here.
Counters are registered on the counter screen.
On the component screen, a reference to a counter can be added to show that the component is affected by the counter. The component remembers its own counter history. This means that every time the counter is updated with a new counter reading it will affect the components related to the counter.
The best way to explain the connection between a counter and a component is by giving an example:
If we have a car, the odometer is the car’s counter. The components would be the engine, the breaks, tires and the like. These components are all affected by the odometer, so when the car has driven 100 km, the engine has also driven 100 km.
The odometer will keep rising throughout the lifetime of the car. The components can be replaced meanwhile. The engine can for example be replaced after 200.000 km, the new engine will only have been driven 50.000 km when the odometer shows 250.000 km. To support this scenario, it would be possible to view the 250.000 km when searching for the odometer counter on the counter screen but also another counter for the engine showing 50.000 km when searching for it.
The screenshot above shows the odometer from the car in the previous example.
The counter is created on the counter screen.
The counter type is set to kilometer, KM. This counter type will be shown after all values.
The different counter readings (counter history) that belongs to a counter can be seen on the right side of the screenshot. Data from the latest counter reading that shows e.g. how many km the car drives on average per day and what INEXTIA expects the counter to show for the next reading is shown in the middle of the sceenshot.
The component
The screenshot above shows the registration of the component on the component screen. The reference to the counter is also created on the component screen. See the example below:
Besides the reference to the counter, additional data belonging to the component can be seen e.g. the latest reading, how many km the car drives on average (and the engine as well) and what INEXTIA expects the engine to counter to show based on the car’s counter.
The readings that the engine has received form the counter is shown as well.
Counter relation to job
When the component is attached to a counter, jobs can be created with the component and the counter trigger.
As an example, a job can created when the car needs an oil change every 15.000 km.
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