To carry out a job properly, a job text is usually written to describe what to do.
An example could be:
“Take 2 samples of 1 liter each.
The samples are taken in the valve building.
The samples are placed in the refrigerator in the laboratory in production building.
At the same time, the SS meter which is located in the valve building is calibrated.”
If the same type of job is to be performed on different components, multiple jobs will be created with the same description. Instead of maintaining the description on jobs of the same type, using a procedure can be an advantage.
The procedure contains a description of how the job should be carried out.
The procedure text is shown in the app and on the job-print just like the job text.
Documentation can also be added to the procedure, which will be shown in the app as well.
This makes it relevant to use the procedure for general instructions to a certain type of task.
Multiple procedures can be added to the same job.
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