Below is a list of the different tags that can be used in the job report.
All tags, except for CompanyLogo, are inserted as "Plain Text Content Control."
Tags for general info
- CompanyLogo (Logo is setup from the Options screen view) ("Picture Content Control")
- PrintDate (Inserts date of print)
- ComponentNo
- ComponentName
- Structure (Component structure: Overcomponent / Subcomponent / Subsubcomponent / etc.)
- ComponentLocationNo
- ComponentLocationName
- AccountNo
- AccountName
- ComponentCriticalEquipment
- ComponentClassification
- Manufacture
- TypeNo
- SerialNo
- TechnicalInfo
- JobNo
- JobName
- JobText
- NextDate
- LastDoneDate
- LatestJobHistoryRemark
- ResponsibleUserNo
- ResponsibleUserName
- PriorityNo
- PriorityName
- Frequence
Tags for lists
For lists, a table with two rows is inserted.
A bookmark is placed around the entire table.
The fields in the bottom row are inserted using tags.
Bookmark = JobGroupList
- JobGroup_JobGroupNo
- JobGroup_JobGroupName
Bookmark = ProcedureList
- Procedure_ProcedureNo
- Procedure_Name
- Procedure_Text
Bookmark = ResourceList
- Resource_ResourceNo
- Resource_Description
- Resource_HourEstimate
Bookmark = SparepartList
- Sparepart_SparepartNo
- Sparepart_Name
- Sparepart_QuantityEstimate
- Sparepart_Location (Location number + Location name)
- Sparepart_Classification
- Sparepart_Remarks
Related Job
Bookmark = SubJobList
- SubJob_Order (Sorting)
- SubJob_ComponentNo
- SubJob_ComponentName
- SubJob_JobNo
- SubJob_Name
- SubJob_JobText
- SubJob_LocationNo
- SubJob_LocationName
- SubJob_ProcedureText
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