Below is a list of the different tags that can be used in the purchase order report.
All tags, except for CompanyLogo, are inserted as "Plain Text Content Control."
Tags for general info
- CompanyLogo (Logo is setup in the Options screen view) ("Picture Content Control")
- PrintDate (Inserts date of print)
- PurchaseOrderNo
- Description
- DeliveryDate
- DeliveryDateToBeAdvised
- OrderDate
- PurchaserName (is first available when order is sent/ordered)
- PurchaserTitle
- PurchaserEmail
- PurchaserPhone
- UpdateUserName
- Urgent
- PaidCash
- DepartmentNo
- DepartmentName
- AccountNo
- ComponentNo
- ComponentName
- ProjectNo
- ProjectName
- CurrencyNo
- TotalCostsInCurrency
- SupplierNo
- SupplierName
- SupplierAddressLines
- SupplierZipCode
- SupplierCity
- SupplierCountryCodeNo
- SupplierCountryCodeName
- SupplierPhone
- SupplierTelefax
- SupplierEMail
- SupplierAttention
- DeliveryPlaceNo
- DeliveryPlaceName
- DeliveryPlaceAddressLines
- DeliveryPlaceZipCode
- DeliveryPlaceCity
- DeliveryPlaceCountryCodeNo
- DeliveryPlaceCountryCodeName
- DeliveryPlacePhone
- DeliveryPlaceTelefax
- DeliveryPlaceEMail
- DeliveryPlaceAttention
- RemarkToSupplier
Tags for lists
For lists, a table with two rows is inserted.
A bookmark is placed around the entire table.
The fields in the bottom row are inserted using tags.
Bookmark = PositionList
- Position_PositionNo
- Position_SparePartNo
- Position_SparePartName
- Position_Name
- Position_JobNo
- Position_JobText
- Position_JobComponentNo
- Position_JobComponentName
- Position_OrderedQuantity
- Position_MeasureUnitNo
- Position_Price
- Position_TotalPrice
- Position_SupplierSparePartNo
- Position_SupplierSparePartDescription
- Position_DeliveryDate
- Position_CombinedDescription
Bookmark = DeliveryCostList
- DeliveryCost_Message
- DeliveryCost_Cost
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